Manual Therapy

Skilled, Hands-On Techniques

Skilled, hands-on techniques to treat soft tissues and joint structures to help decrease pain, increase range of motion (ROM), and reduce soft tissue pain and swelling. Joint mobilization and manipulation assist in regaining your normal joint mechanics. The therapist may also perform nervous system mobilization, or “nerve glides” to often missed soft tissue restrictions that inhibit normal movement, and cause pain and dysfunction.

Manual Therapy
Massage Therapy

Hands on methods of soft tissue mobilization used by trained professionals to aid in the recovery process. Multiple therapeutic benefits can be seen with massage techniques that include reduced stress, improved circulation, reduced pain, and the healing benefits that come from human touch.

Trigger Point Dry Needling

Trigger Point Dry Needling or Functional Dry Needling is a technique used to treat trigger points. Trigger points are taut bands of tissue in muscles that can cause pain and dysfunction which can be felt elsewhere in the body. An example is a “knot” in your upper trapezoid that can refer pain felt like a headache.


Dry needling uses thin filament needles that release this taut band, providing pain relief and flexibility which both help to regain function. (Note: Wet needling uses various medicines and solutions to inject into trigger points. Dry needling uses a thin filament needle without an injectable solution).


Dr Hartman has over 10 years of experience providing this treatment to his patients with excellent benefits including pain relief, improved mobility, and overall better patient outcomes.

What is a Trigger Point?

Myofascial trigger points are taut bands of tissue that can be felt with palpation (by using your fingers) in the muscles in your body. With active trigger points, these taut bands are very tender and can cause pain to be felt in a distant location in your body, called referred pain.  There are specific maps developed from research that show the direct correlation of these common areas and typical pain referral patterns. (see below)


When a trigger point is located and deeply palpated, you can also experience a “local twitch response”.  This is the sign of an active area that should respond well to trigger point dry needling.  (Note: Wet needling uses various medicines and solutions to inject into trigger points.  Dry needling uses a thin filament needle without an injectable solution).


Multiple theories exist to the exact cause of trigger points. One of the more literature supported and accepted concepts involves “spontaneous electrical activity” or SEA at the neuromuscular junction.  This SEA can occur after soft tissue injury, overuse from unaccustomed exercise or activity, and with chronic tissue overload that commonly occurs with postural imbalances and repetitive work activities. The SEA results in excessive release of acetylcholine, the chemical which causes the muscle fibers to stay contracted.


These activated trigger points restrict the normal cellular processes and blood flow inside the muscle fibers, form accumulation of chemicals which are irritants to the muscle thereby causing more pain, contraction, muscle guarding and further restriction leading to more trigger point activation and eventual physical dysfunction.  Once activated, these trigger points generate pain which can continue for years without treatment and can result in various injuries.


Dr. Hartman has been treating trigger points with Functional Dry Needling for over 10 years with excellent success and improved patient outcomes. He uses the latest techniques to help you get the maximal benefit from this treatment.

Trigger Point Dry Needling
Functional Cupping Therapy

Cupping is an ancient treatment method that has gained recent popularity in the US, because it works! We use various methods of cupping to achieve the desired results. Static cupping involves the use of multiple hard cups without movement to provide negative pressure or suction. This suction can loosen tight muscles, increase blood flow, decrease excessive nervous system activity which all can result in decreased pain and dysfunction. Dynamic cupping is a method that uses flexible suction cups with movement to add the benefit of tissue mobility during the negative pressure. This method is used for movement restrictions and is an excellent technique to achieve greater strength, mobility and overall performance. The therapists at Expert PT are Certified RockPod Myofascial Cupping Practitioners.

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a method that uses specifically designed tools to mobilize soft tissue (myofascial) restrictions. Many conditions result in scar tissue formulation and restriction to the normal flexibility of the various layers of tissue in your body. These restrictions result in pain, limitations of mobility and long term conditions resulting form imbalances. Highly training clinicians can detect these .

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization

Mission Statement:

To provide the best, latest physical therapy methods to all walks of life in a welcoming, non-judgmental, supportive atmosphere. We strive to help you reach your personal goals and the highest level of function and wellness.

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